🌟🗣️ Жена, парализирана преди 18 години, може да говори отново благодарение на иновативен мозъчен имплант! 🤯🧠
@nphub_ Want to know the secret to providing exceptional patient care as an NP? 🔒💡 It’s all about fostering trust and building relationships with them. Why? Because it: 💬 Encourages open communication 👥 Improves treatment plan adherence 🙏 Increases patient satisfaction 🧘♀️ Reduces anxiety and stress So, how can you cultivate these powerful connections? Here are our top tips: 👂 Active Listening: Give your undivided attention and listen with empathy. 💬 Clear Communication: Explain things in plain language, ensuring patients feel heard. ❓ Open-Ended Questions: Encourage patients to share their thoughts and feelings. 🤲 Collaborative Decision-Making: Involve patients in their treatment plans. Ready to put these tips into practice and become the compassionate, trusted NP your patients deserve? Drop an 💪 and let us know in the comments! #NPHub #Nursing #PatientCare #NursePractitioners #CompassionateCare
♬ original sound - NPHub
Ан Джонсън, която загубила способността си да говори след инсулт на 30 години, сега може да комуникира чрез нова технология, която превръща мозъчните й сигнали в говор. 💬💻 Разработена от учени от Калифорнийския университет, технологията използва имплант с 253 електроди и изкуствен интелект за създаване на дигитален аватар, който говори с глас, подобен на нейния. 🎤✨
@mckinnongalloway What is going on with my face??? 🧐 while I don’t have all the answers this stems from a disorder that I have, NF2. During my 4th brain surgery, my tumor is pushing on my facial nerve. While the nerve was left in tact it was SEVERELY damaged. Grade 6 (no movement) facial paralysis. I wanted to explain what is going on that lead me to this problem. While we arnt sure the cause of this recent lapse, there were a lot of questions if this was stroke of Bell’s palsy. (Which is not the case) However, right now while we get this figured out…we take it one day at a time 🙃 Thank you to everyone for your support and prayers. It has uplifted me more than you will ever know! Love, MK #asl #medical #medicalsign #brainsurgery #nurse #doctor #nursetips #hospital #firstresponders #americansignlanguage #viral #fyp #nf #nf2 #deaf #hardofhearing #hearingaids #cancer #deaftips #nurselife #doctorofaudiologystudent #doctorsofinstagram #choclearimplant #basicsignlanguage ♬ original sound - mckinnongalloway
Джонсън се надява новото устройство да й помогне да стане съветник и да работи с клиенти. 💼🌟
Източник и снимки : unilad.com