Прекратиха всички мачове в Турция, заради СКАНДАЛЕН БОЙ!😲⚽


👉Президентът на клуба, който удари съдията, подаде оставка, тъй като всички мачове от турското първенство са прекратени!

Фарук Коджа, който заемаше президентския пост в отбора на турския първенец „Анкарагюджю“, се изправи срещу рефера Халил Умут Мелер и го удари с дясно кроше в лицето. По-късно Мелер беше ритан в главата от неидентифицирано лице. Шокиращият инцидент, при който Мелер беше откаран в болница, доведе до прекъсване на всички мачове от лигата в Турция за неопределено време. Изравняване в седмата минута на добавеното време при равенството 1-1 между Анкарагюджю на стадион Еряман в турската столица Анкара предизвика хаоса.

@vicenews The Turkish Football Federation has suspended all leagues after a referee was punched to the ground by a club president in the country's Süper Lig. Referee Halil Umut Meler was attacked at the end of the match and punched in the face by MKE Ankaragucu president Faruk Koca, sparking chaotic scenes after the final whistle. #football #halilumutmeler #ankaragücü #turkey #turkishfootball ♬ original sound - VICE News

Мелер, който пое сблъсъка на турската Суперлига, стоеше със своите помощници при последния съдийски сигнал, когато беше атакуван от президента на Анкарагюджу Фарук Коджа. Коджа се затича към Мелер, поваляйки го на пода с дясно кроше, преди неидентифицирано лице да ритне лицето на рефера, докато той все още беше на земята.

@skynews The president of a top Turkish football club has resigned after punching a referee to the ground at the end of a match. Turkish President Erdogan calls the injured referee in hospital to wish him a 'speedy recovery'. 🔗 Tap the link in bio for more on the story #Erdogan #Turkey #Football #FarukKoca #MKEAnkaragucu #Referee #SuperLig #Rizespor ♬ original sound - Sky News

Кордон около Мелер беше образуван от играчи и персонал от двете страни, докато Koca беше изгонен. След това на зашеметения служител му помогнаха да се изправи. Впоследствие Коджа беше нападнат и откаран в болница под наблюдението на полицейски служители, след като предизвика сбиването. Тогава той беше арестуван "за нараняване и заплаха срещу държавен служител поради изпълнение на обществените му задължения".

@metrosportuk Turkish club president punches a referee in the face after a late goal ❌ In a crazy moment at the end of a Turkish Super League football match a referee was punched in the face by club president Faruk Koca. The referee Halil Umut Meler is one of UEFA’s elite ref’s and he ended up in hospital with a fracture in his face. This is how the shocking scenes occurred. #turkish #turkishdrama #turkishfootball #turkishsuperleague #referee #refereepunch #mkeankaragücü #mkeankaragucu1910 #caykurrizespor #playerpunchesref ♬ Suspenseful and tense orchestra(1318015) - SoLaTiDo

Неприятните сцени поставиха вътрешния мач в Турция в смут, като Турската футболна федерация обяви в понеделник вечерта, че всички мачове от лигата в страната няма да се играят за неопределен период от време. Инцидентът бързо стигна до президента на Турция Реджеп Тайип Ердоган, който беше цитиран в турските медии, осъждайки атаката.

@beardedd.ball Football referee abused by club president and fans in Turkish top league match. #football #referee #abuse #fyp #foryoupage❤️❤️ ♬ Holy Ghost - Omah Lay

„Осъждам нападението срещу съдията Халил Умут Мелер след мача MKE Анкарагюджу – Чайкюр Ризеспор, изигран тази вечер, и му пожелавам бързо възстановяване“, каза Ердоган.

„Спортът означава мир и братство. Спортът е несъвместим с насилието. Никога няма да позволим насилието да има място в турския спорт.“

@damidgetzimbo Replying to @Hinde Turkish football club MKE Ankaragücü president Faruk Koca RESIGNS after hospitalising referee Halil Umut Meler in a shocking on-pitch attack Super Lig match #soccertiktok #footballtiktok #greenscreen ♬ original sound - Zah

37-годишният Мелер е в елитния списък на УЕФА и преди това е ръководил Лига Европа на УЕФА, както и ръководеше първия полуфинален мач на Уест Хям от Лигата на конференциите срещу АЗ Алкмаар миналия сезон. Ризеспор изрази подкрепа за рефера в изявление, като каза: „Остро осъждаме нежеланите събития, които се случиха след мача в Анкарагюджю, който изиграхме днес.

@qedailynews Turkey suspends all league games after club president punches referee at a top-flight match ANKARA, Turkey (AP) — The Turkish Football Federation has suspended all league games in the country after a club president punched the referee in the face at the end of a top-flight match. MKE Ankaragucu president Faruk Koca attacked referee Halil Umut Meler on the pitch late Monday after the final whistle, following a 1-1 draw in a Super Lig game against Caykur Rizespor. The referee, who fell to the ground, was also kicked in a melee that occurred after fans also invaded the pitch after Rizespor scored a last-minute equalizer. The federation announced it suspended all league games indefinitely after an emergency meeting held to discuss the violence. Meler was hospitalized with a slight fracture near his eye but was not in a serious condition. He was expected to be discharged on Wednesday. Koca, who was considered to be at risk of a heart attack, was also hospitalized overnight. He was ordered arrested pending trial on charges of injuring a public official after questioning by prosecutors, Justice Minister Yilmaz Tunc announced on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter. Two suspects accused of kicking Meler were also arrested while three others were freed from custody on condition that they report regularly to police. During his questioning, Koca denied causing any injury, insisting that he merely slapped the referee, according to HaberTurk television. The club president also blamed the incident on Meler, whom he accused of “wrongful decisions” and provocative acts, the station reported, citing unnamed judicial officials. “This attack is unfortunate and shameful in the name of football,” federation chief Mehmet Buyukeksi said after the emergency meeting. “We say enough is enough,” he added, insisting that all involved in the violence would be punished. Buyukeksi also blamed the attack on a culture of contempt toward referees in Turkey. “Everyone who has targeted referees and encouraged them to commit crimes is complicit in this despicable attack,” he said. “The irresponsible statements of club presidents, managers, coaches and television commentators targeting referees have opened the way for this attack.” Speaking to reporters after visiting Meler in hospital, Buyukeksi said he hoped the incident would become a “milestone” for change for soccer in Turkey, which has been selected to co-host the 2032 European Championship with Italy. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan also condemned the attack. “Sports means peace and brotherhood. The sport is incompatible with violence. We will never allow violence to take place in Turkish sports,” he wrote on X. Violence in soccer is commonplace in Turkey and some other European countries despite efforts to crack down on it. On Monday, Greece announced that all top-flight soccer matches would be played without fans in the stadiums for the next two months following a sport-related riot last week that left a police officer with life-threatening injuries. Earlier this month, France’s sports minister called for “a global and extraordinarily determined to response” to violence in soccer after the death of a fan. Ameli Oudea-Castera said the measures could include routine bans on fans traveling to away matches that present a risk of violence. The season in France has been plagued by homophobic and racist chanting in the stands while a team bus was pelted with stones and a game was called off because of crowd trouble. In another recent incident, four British police officers were injured after heavy clashes with Polish hooligans from Legia Warsaw before a Europa Conference League game against Aston Villa on Nov. 30. Nearly 50 Polish fans were arrested after violence erupted outside the stadium. ##updates #news #qedaily ##foryou #qednetwork #tiktok #foryou #fyp #turkey #turkey🇹🇷 #football #soccer ♬ Fire - BCD Studio CHUNNYT

„Пожелаваме на цялата съдийска общност, особено на рефера на мача Халил Умут Мелер, да се оправи скоро.

Източник: taLkSport

Източник снимки: : istock

Източник снимки: : gettyimages


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