След три години заедно и годеж през октомври 2023 г., Чанинг Тейтъм и Зоуи Кравиц решиха да се разделят, споделя източник пред People 😔. Звездната двойка, която плени феновете с харизмата и химията си, явно е стигнала до момент, в който пътищата им се разминават.
@people Multiple sources confirm to PEOPLE that #ChanningTatum and #ZoeKravitz ♬ snowfall (Sped Up) - Øneheart & reidenshi
Източникът допълва, че двамата “са се отдалечили един от друг” и макар любовта да беше очевидна, все по-ясно се виждало, че вече не са на една и съща страница 📖💔. Въпреки силните емоции и дълбоката връзка, с времето техните приоритети и посоки се променили, а това довело до решението им да се разделят.
@enews Don’t blink, #ChanningTatum and #ZoëKravitz have arrived to the red carpet. 😍 #BlinkTwice ♬ original sound - E! News
Феновете на двойката споделят своята тъга в социалните мрежи, където изразяват подкрепа и надежда, че и двамата ще намерят щастието, което заслужават 🌹🕊️. Макар връзката им да бе кратка, Чанинг и Зоуи ни напомниха, че любовта понякога е красива, дори когато не е вечна.
@dailymailshowbiz Channing Tatum and Zoë Kravitz are ending their engagement just a year after they made plans to tie the knot. The 44-year-old Magic Mike star and the 35-year-old Batman actress split recently, sources told People on Tuesday. The couple had begun dating after Channing starred in Zoë's directorial debut, the thriller Blink Twice. Representatives for both actors have not yet commented on the reported breakup. The split was a particular shock for the couple, as they had not only gotten engaged, but Channing had been spotted with fresh ink of Zoë's initials on the back of his hand in September. The former couple were last pictured together on Channing's Instagram page in a post from September 3, which showed Zoë apparently snoozing on her then-fiancé's shirtless chest as he snapped a selfie of the two. In his caption, the Deadpool & Wolverine actor serenaded his love as he promoted her thriller Blink Twice. 'This little sweet. She So tired bro. Every time I wondered if she’d break…. She just kept going and going and going,' he gushed. 'Always on the dig for truth. She pour’d every single ounce of her into this film. I’m so proud to stand ten toes down for her, this film and everyone in it. forever. Knowing what it took to make it. No one will ever know.' He concluded on a sweet note, adding, 'Thank you for finding me and seeing me. I got you forever. Me and you back to back against it all. I’ll never blink. Let’s go.' The former A-list couple's last in-person sighting appears to have been earlier this month, on October 6, when they were seen on a date night at a production of the play Picture Day at Coffey Street Studio in Brooklyn's Red Hook neighborhood. The two were there in support of her Blink Twice actor Levon Hawke, who was making his directorial debut with the show. At the time, a source told People that the couple looked 'cozy and cute together' while hanging out with Levon and his sister, Stranger Things star Maya Hawke, before heading to a bar to party with the cast and crew. 'Channing and Zoë held hands and looked very comfortable together and settled into their relationship,' the source said. 'They were affectionate but no overboard PDA or anything. They were so cool and chill. They were blown away by how intellectual the play was.'
♬ original sound - Music Master
Сега и двамата продължават напред поотделно, като остават благодарни за споделените моменти и уроците, които животът им е поднесъл. Независимо от раздялата, и двамата остават обичани и подкрепяни от своите фенове 🌟💫.
Източник: People
Източник снимки: : istock
Източник снимки: : gettyimages